Bouquet of the Week

from $75.00

Our weekly offering of the freshest seasonal blooms

Always moving with the seasons, our bouquet of the week is ever changing.

Designer’s choice allows us to work with the freshest flowers available to create something gorgeous. So while we can’t tell you exactly what will be in your bouquet, know that we’ll always deliver the best of the season.

What’s the difference between a wrapped bouquet and an arranged?

Wrapped bouquets are just that — the bouquet wrapped in tissue and paper. These are suitable for those who have containers at the ready, and require the recipient to do a little work at home by trimming and setting in a vase + water themselves. Containers / vases are not provided.

Arrangements do include a vase or container, as they are purposely arranged by one of our floral designers. They are ready to gift and display upon purchase. (both arrangements shown in photos are small)

*Please note*

to ensure freshness and quality, flowers sent to hospital patients and hotel guests require a vase and must be ordered as an arrangement.

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photo is example only, flowers vary according to seasonal availability & designer’s choice.

the 'Mary'
Fillers & Foliage Bouquet
the 'Edith'
Bud Vase Trio
The Bunny Bundle